Nostalgic CRT TVs were once closely related to the lives of Hong Kong people, and were themselves an iconic snapshot in the history of Hong Kong. During the era when Hong Kong’s economy took off, TV was not only an important channel for disseminating educational and social information, but also played the role of promoting family bonding. Having the whole family “dine with TV” was a portrayal of the lives of many Hong Kong people at that time. It hires in our history and memory, and brings warmth to our homes throughout the years.
Production concept:
Large TV - Nostalgic design was used to evoke visitors’ fond memories of “Dine with TV”, bringing them the warmth at home. The installation comprises two large TV sets stacked vertically to cater the needs of different visitors, dedicated care and empathy to this diverse but inclusive society. It is not merely an art installation but aims also to provide an interactive and playful shooting scene for the public. Imagine the TV sets as showing an on-going video, featuring different visitors and the famous landmarks along the Harbourfront. Do try to watch from different angles and distances, and see if you may encounter some unique visual effects.
Small TV - The skyline of the Tsim Sha Tsui waterfront on the opposite side of the Victoria Harbour was revamped in 2019 with the completion of landmarks such as the Hong Kong Museum of Art and the Avenue of Stars etc. The small TV is created with a miniature concept and anchored on the railing of the promenade with a special cement clip so that visitors can experience the brand-new scenery across the Harbour through the screen. Let’s imagine, focus, and make a charming snapshot.